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5 reasons to choose vegan protein powder

Date Posted:30 January 2023 

If you're looking for a protein powder to help with your fitness goals, there are a lot of options out there. But if you've been considering vegan protein powder, then we have five reasons why it might be worth your while!


Vegan protein powder is a healthy, natural way to boost your protein intake. Protein is one of the most important nutrients for muscle repair and growth, and it's also crucial for heart health, weight management, and digestion. If you're vegan or vegetarian and want to get more protein in your diet without having to rely on meat or dairy products, then vegan protein powder might just be the right choice for you. You can use it in smoothies or other drinks (like shakes), as well as in recipes like baked goods. It's also great if you're trying to lose weight because it helps keep you full longer!

Below are top 5 reasons for choosing vegan protein powder over other types.



1. It's better for the environment

There's no denying it - vegan protein is better for the environment.

Here's why:

1) It uses less land and water than animal products, which require huge amounts of land to grow feed crops and water to keep animals alive.

2) Vegan protein is not associated with a high carbon footprint, unlike meat eating, which contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions (more so than any other food group).

3) It doesn't contribute to rainforest destruction and habitat loss like livestock farming does.

This isn't just something that affects animals and their habitats - it also affects us humans! If we want to live on a planet that's habitable for our children, grandchildren, and future generations, we need to make changes now. Switching from animal products to plant based foods can help us make those changes happen faster because they require less energy and resources to produce them (which means fewer greenhouse gas emissions).



2. It promotes a healthy gut

If you've been trying to get your diet on track, then you probably know that a plant based diet is the primary way to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. But did you know that a vegan diet can also help promote a healthier gut?

The reason for this is simple: the bacteria in our digestive systems are what helps us digest food and break down nutrients so that our bodies can absorb them. When we eat meat or animal products, these bacteria are negatively impacted by the antibiotics used in factory farming and the hormones fed to animals who are raised for meat consumption.

The gut is made up of trillions of bacteria, and if you want to be healthy, you need those bacteria to be happy and thriving. An unhealthy gut can lead to weight gain, bloating, and all sorts of other health problems.

Vegan protein can help with that because it contains probiotics - bacteria that are good for your health by helping you digest food more easily. When you eat vegan protein, it actually helps your body absorb nutrients better and makes it easier for your intestines to break down food so that your body can use it more efficiently. Vegan protein can also help reduce inflammation in the gut and reduce symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and even acid reflux!

If you're looking for a vegan protein that can help promote a healthy gut, Nutra Organics protein is the one for you. Each serving of this protein contains 23 grams of plant based protein that's been fermented and enzymatically processed to ensure it's easily digestible. That means it gets absorbed into your system quickly and efficiently. And not only does this help promote healthy digestion and absorption, it contains vegan BCAAs, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus to further support muscles, energy and protein synthesis.

Plus, each serving contains 1 billion CFU probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that live inside your digestive system, helping keep things running smoothly and promoting overall health.



3. It gives you lots of energy

You know that feeling you get when you have a ton of energy and can't stop moving? It's like you've got a little motor in your veins. You feel like a kid again.

As vegans, we know how hard it can be to find quality sources of protein that don't come from animals - but what if we told you there was a way to get all that energy - boosting goodness without eating any animal products?

Protein is a vital part of any diet, but it's especially important for vegans because they don't tend to get as much protein from animal products like meat and eggs as their omnivorous counterparts.

With vegan protein powder, you can find all the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids you need in one convenient package. They can also help you lose weight because they're high in fibre and low in fat. It's perfect for vegans or people who want an alternative source of animal free nutrients like iron, zinc and B vitamins.

Vegan protein powder can give you the same amount of energy as other types of protein powders, and it's actually healthier for you than animal based products. That's right: animal based proteins generally contain higher levels of saturated fat and cholesterol than plant based proteins do.



4. You don't have to worry about nasties!

One of the best things about vegan protein powder is that it's free from all the nasties. No hormones, antibiotics or animal products means you're not consuming any cholesterol and saturated fat either.

Vegan protein is the perfect alternative for people looking to avoid meat, because it doesn't contain any animal products or by products. It's also naturally cholesterol free and low in fat, making it an excellent choice for anyone trying to maintain a healthy diet. Unlike meat, vegan protein doesn't contain any animal hormones or antibiotics - and that's something we can all get behind!

It might seem like vegan protein isn't as nutritious as traditional sources of protein like chicken or beef, but that's not true at all! In fact, some studies show that vegan proteins actually contain more nutrients than animal proteins do. For example, black beans are one of the highest sources of iron per serving size out there - and they're also high in fibre and calcium (which helps keep bones strong). Plus black beans are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that help fight free radicals in your body and prevent disease from taking hold in your system.

Eating healthy doesn't mean giving up your favourite foods - it just means finding new ways to enjoy protein. Vitus protein may be the healtiest plant based protein in Australia. Unlike other plant based protein powders, Vitus protein is both unflavoured and unsweetened. It's free from synthetic additives or sweeteners, no stevia and no added colours or flavours and contains all the essential amino acids, key nutrients iron, manganese, zinc and over 20 g protein per serve.



5. Vegan protein powders are generally healthier

Vegan protein powders are typically contain fewer calories, less fat and sugar, no saturated fats or cholesterol, and more fibre than their non vegan counterparts.

In addition, vegan protein powders tend to be free of artificial flavourings, colours and additives which can cause allergic reactions in some people. They are also typically made from plant based ingredients that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as soybean protein isolate or pea protein isolate.

Vegan protein powders can be used by vegans (who eat no animal products) as well as those who are lactose intolerant or who simply prefer a vegan lifestyle. This is particularly true if they want to build muscle mass without consuming meat products.

The vegan versions are made of soy, rice, pea, almond, peanut butter and so on, which is naturally rich in protein and fibre. The non vegan versions are often made of whey, which is a by product of cheese making. While they contain protein, they also contain cholesterol and saturated fats.

Macro Mike protein in considered by many as the best vegan protein powder in Australia. Macro Mike use 100% natural, GMO free ingredients, with no refined sugars, artificial colours or flavours and their proeins are very tasty - with so many flavours to choose from.



Types of vegan protein

Vegan protein powder is made with many different ingredients, and depending on the brand, can contain one or more of the following:

Pea protein

Pea protein is a plant based protein that's derived from the yellow split pea. It's a great alternative to animal based proteins like whey and casein, which are often found in protein powders. Pea protein is an excellent source of fibre which helps to keep your digestive system running smoothly by helping you to feel full after a meal or snack.

Rice protein

This vegan friendly protein powder is derived from rice bran, so it has a mild and neutral taste that can be used in smoothies and other recipes. The bran is milled into flour and then processed into powder form. Itā€™s a gluten free ingredient that contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete source of plant based protein.

Hemp protein

Hemp protein is made from the seeds of the plant Cannabis sativa. It has a mild flavour that blends well with other ingredients and can be used in place of meat, eggs, or dairy products as an alternative source of protein. It's also high in fibre and omega 3 fatty acids, which makes it good for your heart health too!

Hemp protein benefits include: helps reduce hunger, boosts metabolism, reduces cravings for sweets and salty foods, lowers cholesterol levels.

Soy protein

Soy protein powder is one of the most popular forms of soy protein because it's easy to use and can be added to smoothies or baked goods in addition to other foods like yogurt. Soy protein powder is made by grinding up the beans into a fine powder that stores well for long periods of time without spoiling. It contains all nine essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), which means you don't have to eat other foods in order for your body to get the amino acids it needs from just one source - that's why it's called a complete protein source!

Almond protein

Almond protein is a supplement that contains all the essential amino acids to help your body build muscle. This product is made from 100% natural almonds, and can be used as a healthy alternative to dairy or soy based protein powders. Almonds are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and fibre. They also contain antioxidants such as vitamin E and flavonoids that may help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

Peanut protein

Peanut protein is a great source of protein. It has not only the amino acids that make up all proteins, but also the essential amino acids, which are the ones your body can't make on its own. Peanuts are also a good source of fibre and magnesium. Peanut protein is great for people who want to increase their protein intake without increasing carbohydrates or fat. Peanut protein is a great source of fibre, iron, and magnesium. It's also a great source of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage and slow down the aging process.


Final thoughts

We hope we've convinced you that vegan protein powder is the way to go. It's better for your body, it promotes a healthy gut and gives you lots of energy. You don't have to worry about nasties or lactose intolerance.