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7 Things I love about menstrual cup

Date Posted:20 April 2023 

Menstrual cups are a game changer. They're a reusable, silicone alternative to tampons and pads, and they can last you up to 5 years - saving you money and the environment in the process. But there's more to love than just that! Here are 7 things I adore about menstrual cups.


As a woman, you know that menstruation can be a pretty darned messy business. I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for ways to make things better! That's why I love using menstrual cups. They're a safer way to manage your period, they're eco friendly, and they can really save you some money in the long run. But most importantly, they make my life easier. So, if you've been thinking about switching from tampons to a menstrual cup, I am here to tell you it's worth it.



What are menstruation cups?

Before I get into my reasons for loving menstrual cups, letā€™s talk about what they are?

Menstruation or menstrual cups are a type of feminine hygiene product that are used during your period. They can be inserted into the vagina and left in place for up to twelve hours, depending on your flow.

The cup is designed to collect menstrual fluid rather than absorb it like a tampon or pad does. The cup is made of medical grade silicone and has a stem that is inserted into the vagina to hold it in place. The stem also makes it easier for you to remove the cup once you're finished using it.

There are many different brands and styles of menstrual cup in Australia available so you should be able to find one that suits your needs perfectly!

Here are 7 things I love about menstrual cups.


1. It's reusable

Menstrual cups are the reusable alternative to pads and tampons. They're made of medical grade silicone and are inserted into your vaginal canal to collect menstrual fluid.

Once inserted, they will collect all the blood that comes out of your uterus throughout your period. Unlike pads or tampons, they don't have to be replaced every time you urinate or have a bowel movement - you can leave them in for up to 8 hours at a time. When it's time to empty them, just remove the cup by folding it and pulling gently on the stem. Then rinse with warm water and reinsert. You can wash your cup with mild soap and water (don't use abrasive cleaners or chemicals) during your period as well as after your cycle is done, but not during use!

Under Australian guidelines, cups should only be worn for up to 8 hours in order to reduce the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). As TOM Organic is one of the only Australian owned and made cups, many others in the market are based internationally, where the regulations are different and theyā€™re able to recommend up to 12 hours. Rest assured that most cups, including TOM Organic, are made from 100% medical grade silicone, itā€™s merely the advertising and packaging regulations that are different.



2. It's affordable

The menstrual cup is an affordable option for women who want to avoid using disposable pads or tampons. It can be used for years at a time, and that makes it more economical than other options.

The average menstrual cup costs $30 - $50, which may be more than you're used to spending on feminine care products, but it's worth it if you consider how much money you'll save in the long run.

If you use disposable pads or tampons during your period each month, the cost of replacing them every cycle can add up quickly. A box of 30 tampons will cost $9-$15, and a box of 20 pads will cost between $7-$10. Over the course of five years (the average length of time a woman uses tampons), that's $900-$1,200! That's enough money for a new pair of shoes or a nice weekend getaway - and that's just one year!

By switching over to a menstrual cup, you'll save yourself thousands of dollars over your lifetime - and help reduce your impact on the environment.

But finding the right menstrual cup size can be a little tricky. TOM Organic offers two sizes: Size1 (Regular), which is suitable for medium flow and ideal for women under and also Size 2 (Super) - suitable for heavy flow and ideal for women over 30.


3. It's eco friendly!

Menstrual cups are a great alternative to tampons and pads. They're eco friendly, reusable, and make your period more comfortable.

The average Australian woman uses 10 000 - 12 000 disposable menstrual products in her lifetime - and that's just the average! If you have a family of four, that means you'll be contributing more than 100,000 tampons and pads to landfills over the course of your life. That's an awful lot of waste!

But what if there were an alternative that didn't produce any waste? That was easy to use, comfortable, and affordable? What if there were a way for you to make a difference in the world by doing something as simple as changing out your menstrual cup every month? Well, there is: menstrual cups!

Menstrual cups are made from medical grade silicone that's soft and flexible. They can last up to 5 years if cared for properly (but we recommend replacing them every year). They're also reusable - which means they aren't contributing to the massive amount of trash produced each year by disposable products like tampons and pads. And they're far more comfortable than tampons because they don't absorb any moisture or blood like traditional products do.



4. It's easy to clean and maintain

With a menstrual cup, you can simply empty the blood into the toilet and wash it out with water. Use a feminine wash if you need extra help with odour control or stains! To sterilise your cup, you can boil it in a pot of water for 5 minute (donā€™t let it touch the bottom).

For menstrual cups with sterilising case, you need to follow these instruction:

First, rinse your cup thoroughly with a fragrance free, oil free mild soap under running water paying special attention to cleaning out the small holes around the rim. Then, sterilise your cup in the microwave (1000W) for 60 seconds using the steriliser.

TOM Organic menstrual cup sterilisers have been independently tested to ensure they meet health and safety standards and kill 99.9% of bacteria commonly found on a menstrual cup. Itā€™s really important that silicone is stored in a breathable environment. TOM Organic suggests you store your menstrual cup in the cotton bag provided in between cycles. The menstrual cup sterilizer case should only be used for sterilising and for carrying your cup for less than 12 hours.


5. It lasts for years

Menstrual cups can be reused each month for up to 5 years, depending on their level of care. In fact, some people have been able to use the same cup for over 10 years!

That means that not only does it save you money on toiletries, but it also saves the environment from all those tampons and pads that would otherwise be thrown away after just one use.

TOM Organic period cup can last up to 5 years. As a medical device, they do advise to replace it annually. Even replacing it annually will save you so much money and this will also reduce the impact on the environment.



6. There are no strings attached with this one! Literally!

Menstrual cups are small, flexible cups that you insert into your vagina before your period. They sit low in your vaginal canal and collect menstrual fluid as it leaves your body. They're made from medical grade silicone, so they don't contain any harmful chemicals like dyes or fragrances.

In addition to being safe for your body, menstrual cups are also easy to use: You just fold them up and insert them like a tampon, but unlike a tampon (or pad), they don't absorb any blood - they just collect it.

But what about those pesky strings? Let me put your mind at ease: Menstrual cups have no strings attached! The only thing attached to them is some sort of removal device that makes removal easier than pulling out a tampon or pad with one hand.

For example, TOM period cup is designed with intuitive finger indents for easy insertion and removal along with a unique internal rib system for easier removal. 


7. It's comfortable, even when you're sleeping or swimming!

Menstrual cups are a great alternative to tampons and pads. They can be used for both light and heavy flow, and they're a great choice for women who want to feel more confident during their periods.

You may be wondering whether menstrual cups are comfortable when you're sleeping or swimming. Here are a few things you should know about using a menstrual cup while you're sleeping:

When you sleep, your muscles relax, which means that the muscles in your pelvic region will also relax. This makes it easier for your menstrual cup to stay in place without being uncomfortable or falling out of place!

If you have trouble keeping your menstrual cup in place while sleeping, consider using a pad as an extra measure of safety. This way, if any leaks occur overnight, you will still have protection against leaks when it comes time to change your pad in the morning.

And if you're worried about leaks while swimming? Well, we've got good news for you: menstrual cups are designed with leak proof technology that keeps everything dry - so no more worrying about whether or not your tampon will absorb all your flow while taking a dip! Swimming with a menstrual cup is a great way to get some exercise, without having to worry about tampons.

Now let's talk running. We know what you're thinking: how can I run on my period? Well, we've got that answer too! The same leak proof technology that keeps our cups from leaking also means that no matter how much pressure you put on them during exercise or any other activity, they'll stay put - keeping everything where it should be and preventing leaks from occurring.

You can do almost anything with your cup inserted, like you would a tampon as long as you have a secure seal.



Final thoughts

In conclusion, I love the menstrual cup because it has made my life so much easier. I love the fact that it's reusable, and I can use it for years. I love that it's eco friendly, and it doesn't create as much waste as tampons do. I love that you don't have to worry about it getting stuck inside your body or leaking like pads do. And most of all, I love how comfortable it is - even if your period is heavy!

If you are looking for the best period cup in Australia, TOM Organic menstrual cups are manufactured here in Australia with 100% medical grade silicone and they are available in two sizes, which you can purchase below!




TOM Organic

Ultra Thin Panty Liners (26 Liners)


TOM Organic

Period Cup With Sterilising Case Size 2 (Super)


YES The Organic Intimate Company

Cleanse Intimate Feminine Wash Rose (150 ml)


YES The Organic Intimate Company

Cleanse Intimate Feminine Wash Unscented (150 ml)


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