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Essiac tea: how does it work?

Date Posted:13 December 2022 

Essiac tea is a popular herbal remedy that has been used for decades. It's supposed to be good for treating cancer, digestive problems and general health issues.  While it is not officially recommended as a cancer treatment, there are studies that show an improved sense of well being for those who consume it.


Essiac tea, also known as "herbal tonic", is a blend of herbs that's been used for centuries to heal the body and detoxify the liver. Essiac tea is one of the best known herbal remedies in North America - and it's easy to see why! Many people claim that essiac tea helps them feel better, look younger, and even live longer.



What is Essiac Tea?

Essiac tea is a herbal tea made from four herbs: burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark and rhubarb root. The name ‘Essiac’comes from a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse  (backward spelling of ‘Caisse’ ) who used the herbal mixture to treat her cancer patients in the 1920s. It's popular with people who want to fight inflammation and boost their immune system, as well as those who need support for weight loss or diabetes management.

To date there is no scientific evidence to suggest that essiac tea works as an immune stimulant or anti cancer treatment, but many people who drink it say they feel better after drinking it regularly for some time and still believe in its healing properties.


What does essiac tea taste like?

Like other herbal teas, essiac tea is not sweet. It has a strong flavour that some people compare to root beer or licorice. However, it's not as sweet as other herbal teas because it contains no sugar and doesn't have any added flavours.

Essiac tea taste is slightly bitter and earthy and is designed to aid the body in removing toxins and wastes, allowing cellular renewal and improved health. Each ingredient helps boost the immune system and detoxify the body.

Essiac tea is generally not enjoyed for its taste, but for its functionality. It taste slightly bitter due to rhubarb root and burdock root in it. You may wish to add a sweetener, but in general this tea is not bought because it tastes nice, but rather because of the benefits that it offers.


Essiac tea side effects

There are some common side effects of essiac tea, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, if taken in large doses. Because the herbs in essiac tea can be hard on your digestive system, it is important to start out with a small amount and gradually increase it over the course of several days. If you have a weakened immune system or another health condition that makes you vulnerable to infections or disease, you should avoid taking essiac tea without first consulting with your doctor.



Essiac tea for cats

Essiac tea for cats is a great option for those who want to add more healing herbs to their pet's diet.

Essiac tea is a traditional herbal remedy that's been used for decades by people with cancer, but it has also been used for other conditions like arthritis and skin problems. It's believed to work by helping the body fight inflammation and boost immunity, which can help prevent or manage many diseases.

Cats tend to be sensitive to herbs and supplements, so keep an eye on them while they're drinking their essiac tea. If they seem lethargic or listless after they've had their dose of essiac tea, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Essiac tea for dogs

If you have a dog with cancer, there are many things that you can do to help your dog, including surgery and chemotherapy. However, if your dog has already had surgery or chemotherapy and is still having trouble fighting off the disease, adding essiac tea to their diet may be a good option for them.

Essiac tea is a natural, herbal treatment that can help treat cancer in dogs. It's also appropriate for other health conditions, such as arthritis and diabetes.


Essiac tea dosage

The amount of tea consumed depends on you and the condition of your health. Typically, the dosage that is recommended is 30 ml of herbal tea diluted in 60 ml of hot water. This should be sipped slowly, preferably before bed or on rising. Food should be avoided at least an hour after drinking the tea. The reason for sipping the tea is that the tongue is the initial point of interaction with the herbs and some of the components start their action here, specifically the bitter actives. 

Essiac tea is a detox for your body and helps to discharge waste and toxins. When you first start drinking it, there may be some mild side effects including a headache, mild diarrhea, nausea, or a runny nose. But don't worry - these are all signs that essiac tea is working! If you experience any discomfort, simply reduce your dosage. To avoid any side effect, we recommend starting with a low dose until your body adjusts to the formula.

While herbal medicine has wonderful therapeutic benefits, it is most effective when taken in combination with a wholesome diet and outdoor activities in the fresh air and sunlight.

With any serious conditions, we highly recommend that you work in conjunction with her health care practitioner. If you don’t currently have a natural health care provider, you may consider Natural Therapy Pages



How to prepare essiac tea?

Use 10 g (1 tablespoon) of essiac tea per 1 litre of pure spring water. The next step is to boil the herbs in water, and then let it steep for 20 minutes. After that, strain the herbs from the tea and drink it hot or cold. Store your tea in glass bottle in fridge.

If you want to add some variety to your daily routine, try adding some sweetener or lemon juice to your cup of tea - this can make it a bit sweeter and tastier!

Essiac tea tastes best when prepared correctly: don’t forget to steep it for at least 20 minutes before drinking!

Also, store out of direct sunlight below 30°C. Please note that this tea or anything in this guide is not intended to diagnose in any way. For treatment consult a healthcare professional.


Where to buy essiac tea?

Sassy Organics is official stockist of Organic Merchant essiac tea in Australia. It’s certified organic, caffeine free and made in Australia. We believe in the power of organic products and want to use them whenever possible. We hope that you'll feel good about buying certified organic tea tea, knowing that it's better for your body and the environment.

We ship all over Australia and we offer express delivery.


Final thoughts

I hope that this article has helped you learn more about essiac tea and its benefits. If you want to try it, I suggest looking for a reputable brand that uses all natural ingredients in their products. When buying any tea, make sure it is certified organic so that you know what exactly is going into your body!




Organic Merchant

Certified Organic Essiac Tea (80 g)

From $26.95

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