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Frankincense oil benefits

Date Posted:24 January 2023 

Frankincense oil is one of the oldest essential oils in history and has been used for thousands of years. It's known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, promote spiritual awareness, and improve overall health. In this article we'll go over how this aromatic elixir works within your body and why you should use it as part of your daily routine.


Frankincense oil benefits are numerous, and they can be used to treat a wide variety of health issues. The ancient Egyptians believed that frankincense could cure disease. They used it as an incense, perfume, ointment and medicine. Arab traders brought frankincense to Europe over 2,000 years ago where it was prised by kings and queens because of its rich aroma and healing properties.

It is known for its spiritual benefits, including stress relief and immune support. Frankincense oil has anti inflammatory properties and is often used to treat pain and swelling. It can also help with digestive issues like heartburn and indigestion. If you're suffering from arthritis or gout, frankincense may be able to help reduce your symptoms. Additionally, it may be useful in treating skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and even wrinkles.



What is frankincense oil?

Frankincense oil is a natural oil extracted from the Boswellia sacra tree, which grows in the northern parts of Saudi Arabia. It has been used by ancient Egyptians as an antiseptic and poultice, as well as to treat wounds and burns. It has also been used medicinally for centuries in India, where it's known as "basti."

The oil has a rich, woodsy scent that is reminiscent of incense or pine trees. It's often combined with other essential oils for their therapeutic value - but its main benefit is its use in aromatherapy. When diffused or applied topically to the skin, frankincense essential oil helps open blocked pores and unclog congested sinuses. This can help reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies like sneezing, runny noses and congestion/sinus pressure.

Frankincense essential oil also helps relieve stress in your life by reducing anxiety and depression symptoms like irritability or fatigue feelings caused by stressful situations such as job related challenges or financial troubles. It can be used to help you relax after a hard day at work by diffusing some frankincense essential oil into your home's air!


Frankincense oil for stress relief

The aroma of frankincense oil can help you reduce stress, which is a great benefit. If you're looking for ways to use frankincense oil for stress relief, here are a few tips:

  • Add one or two drops of frankincense oil in the diffuser of your choice, such as an essential oil diffuser or a candle diffuser. This method works well because it disperses the scent throughout your home.
  • Rub 1-2 drops onto the bottoms of feet before bedtime (or whenever else you feel like relaxing). Be sure to cleanse hands and feet before applying any essential oils for best results!
  • Use as part of an aromatherapy massage with another person when possible - you'll benefit from their touch as much as they'll enjoy yours!

Acacia Aromatherapy essential oil blend for sleep helps soothe your mind & promote a sense of peace for a restful sleep. Containing frankincense oil to calm, lavender oil to promote sleep and cinnamon oil to enhance the mood for some quiet time, this certified organic oil blend is a must for anyone needing a restful sleep.



Frankincense oil for immune support

In addition to its benefits for stress relief and mood regulation, some studies have also shown that frankincense can be effective at boosting the immune system. This can make it useful for treating colds, flu or other infections caused by viruses or bacteria.

Frankincense oil is used in aromatherapy to boost the immune system and fight colds, flu and other infections. It is an essential oil thatā€™s distilled from the resin of the Boswellia carteri tree. Like many other essential oils, frankincense has a long history of use as an anti inflammatory, antispasmodic and astringent (a substance that causes contraction of body tissue).


Frankincense is an ancient essential oil that can reduce anxiety and promote spiritual awareness

Frankincense oil is a fragrant essential oil derived from the resin of the Boswellia tree, which grows in parts of Africa and Arabia. The use of frankincense dates back thousands of years and continues to be an important part of many religions today. Frankincense was used for its medicinal and spiritual properties as early as 2nd century BC.

The Egyptians used frankincense in embalming rituals, while the Syrians burned it during funerals to honour their dead. It was also a common practice during Roman times among Christians to burn frankincense while praying prior to going into battle.

Frankincense is often used today as an ingredient in home cleaning products because itā€™s such a powerful antibacterial agent that can eliminate bacteria on countertops and surfaces without leaving any residue behind (unlike some chemical cleaners).

It is also used in personal care products, aimed at promoting healing and minimising infesction. For example, Mama Body Peri Healing Spray works to soothe and calm an angry peri as she works to collect herself following the big day, while its antiseptic qualities aid in fighting bacteria and infection. This cooling blend of certified organic witch hazel, lavender oil and frankincense has been formulated specifically for periā€™s peace of mind (and yours!) in the days and weeks following birth. 


Is frankincense oil good for skin?

Frankincense oil is a popular essential oil for skin. It can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, acne, and scars.

With regular use, frankincense oil may help prevent the build up of dead skin cells from forming into fine lines and wrinkles. This can improve your complexion as you age by keeping your skin looking firmer, smoother and healthier. Frankincense oil also has anti inflammatory properties that may reduce blemishes on the face caused by acne or other conditions like rosacea or eczema. Itā€™s thought that frankincense works by reducing redness in the skin due to its ability to inhibit pro inflammatory cytokines in our bodies. When applied topically it helps heal scar tissue faster than usual through its anti inflammatory properties.



How to use frankincense oil for healing?

Frankincense oil is a powerful tool for healing. It can be used to treat all sorts of issues, including skin problems, digestive issues, respiratory issues, heartburn, and more.

Ayurveda massage with frankincense oil is one way of promoting healing. Ayurveda massage is a wonderful way to reduce stress and experience the benefits of massage in a new way. Ayurveda massage uses essential oils, which are applied directly to the skin during the massage session. The essential oils have a calming effect on both mind and body, and they can help improve circulation and promote healing. The massage itself is performed with warm sesame oil or coconut oil, which helps increase circulation in the areas where it's applied. It's also very relaxing as it helps you release tension in your muscles and joints.

This Ayurvedic massage oil is made with sesame and frankincense oil, which are both very beneficial for the skin. Sesame is rich in vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids, which help to improve the skin's elasticity and keep it moisturised. It's also a good source of antioxidants that protect against free radicals, which can cause premature aging. Frankincense has been used for centuries as an anti inflammatory agent and pain reliever, making it great for relieving sore muscles after a workout or easing tension headaches.

The combination of these two oils makes for a powerful moisturising agent that will leave your skin feeling smooth and hydrated.


Can frankincense oil be applied directly to the skin?

Yes, frankincense oil can be applied directly to the skin. It's good for soothing irritation and reducing inflammation. It's also great for healing wounds and preventing scarring, helping with wrinkles and aging.

While frankincense oil is generally safe for use on the skin and body, you should always do a patch test first to make sure you don't have any negative reaction. It's also important to note that while frankincense oil may be safe in general, it can still be irritating if you have sensitive skin or an underlying condition like eczema or psoriasis. If you do have sensitive skin or a chronic condition that affects your skin, it's probably best not to use frankincense oil on your face or body until you've had no negative reactions from using them in small doses over a period of time.

Frankincense oil should be diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil before being applied directly to the skin. You can also mix it with other products like shea butter to make an effective moisturiser.

Alternatively, you can purchase a face oil containing frankincense oil such as Vanessa Megan Rosehip & Frankincense Face Oil which helps restore the skinā€™s foundation after sun damage, moisture loss and hyperpigmentation.



Can frankincense oil be taken orally?

Yes, frankincense oil can be taken orally, although it's best to dilute it in a carrier oil, or add it to a veggie capsule, before ingesting.

Frankincense is a powerful essential oil that contains a number of antioxidants like alpha-pinene and beta-myrcene. These antioxidants will help fight free radicals in your body, preventing damage to cells and DNA. This can help prevent cancer, heart disease, and other serious illnesses.

Frankincense also has antibacterial properties that help you fight infections like colds and flus. It's also shown promise in treating eczema and psoriasis.

If you're looking for a way to add more frankincense into your diet, try adding a few drops of it to your water or tea before bedtime - or even just smelling it on its own can be enough to give you an energy boost!


How to use frankincense oil?

There are many frankincense oil uses, but the most effective way is by diffusing it, which means you put a few drops of frankincense oil into your diffuser, let it disperse the scent in the air and inhale it. Another method is topical application, which involves applying one drop of frankincense oil on your skin or clothing (you can also rub some onto your temples). You could also massage some of the oil into tense muscles or apply it directly to any aches or pains for relief from pain.

Frankincense essential oil can be used as an inhalation therapy too: simply add a few drops to hot water and breathe deeply while inhaling its pleasant aroma. If you want something more potent than just breathing in its scent through the nose, ingesting a small amount of the diluted extract is another way to get its benefits without having to worry too much about side effects - but do check with your doctor first if ingesting essential oils is safe for you!



Why is frankincense oil so expensive?

Frankincense is one of the most valuable botanical oils in the world, and its price reflects that.

Frankincense oil is produced in a very specific way, and it's both expensive and time consuming to produce. To make frankincense oil, you need to collect the resin from certain trees - the bark of which has been used for centuries as a medicine and an aromatic substance.

After that, you have to extract the resin from the tree and then distil it until you get a concentrated liquid - the same way you would any other essential oil. Then, once you've got your product, you have to clean it again (which also takes time), sort out any impurities (also time), and package it for sale (even more time). The process is so complicated that many companies simply don't bother with making frankincense oil at all - they just sell their customers the essential oil already cleaned and packaged for them!


Where to buy frankincense oil in Australia?

Buy from a reputable source. When you're shopping around for frankincense oil, look for pure, organic frankincense oil that's been extracted with steam distillation. It should not be labelled "fragrance" oil, which is chemically processed and synthetic. Buy in small quantities: the best way to store your frankincense is in a dark glass bottle away from light or heat.

The Ausganica frankincense oil we carry is certified by Australian Certified Organic (ACO), which means that it has been tested to be free of contaminants and pesticides. ACO is the leading certifier of organic products in Australia, and they make sure that every product they certify is safe for you and your family.


Final thoughts

In conclusion, there are many ways that frankincense oil can be used. It has been used for thousands of years to promote spiritual awareness and improve moods. The various benefits that frankincense offers should not be overlooked by anyone who is interested in using essential oils for their health. We hope this article has given you some insight into what those benefits may be!