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How gua sha works

Date Posted:27 December 2022 

Gua sha is an ancient Chinese massage technique that involves scraping your skin with the rounded end of a smooth stone. Gua sha has been around for thousands of years and has been popularised in recent years by celebrities like Elle Macpherson, who often credits it with helping her maintain her youthful looks.


Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that uses gua sha tool to scrape the skin, which stimulates blood flow and helps improve your body's circulation. The theory behind this treatment is that many of the same things that cause blood clots (such as poor circulation) can also cause inflammation and pain in the body, so improving circulation can help ease those symptoms.

Gua sha works by stimulating your nervous system and increasing your body's healing response. The scraping of the skin also helps remove dead or damaged cells, allowing new healthy cells to grow in their place.



What is gua sha?

Gua sha, also known as "scraping therapy," is an ancient Chinese healing technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth, rounded stone. This helps to stimulate the body's self healing mechanisms. The scraping causes minor skin trauma and triggers the release of chemicals called endorphins (this is why your face turns red), which help to reduce inflammation and stress levels.

Gua sha has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat muscle pain, joint stiffness and other ailments. It can also be used as a facial massage tool - it stimulates blood flow and increases microcirculation in the facial area so you'll look more refreshed after using it.

Gua sha is a traditional medical practice that uses pressure to stimulate the flow of qi, or life energy, around the body. Gua sha is thought to be effective at treating a variety of conditions, from headaches and muscle soreness to allergies and colds.

The practice involves applying firm pressure to the skin with an object like a coin or spoon. The pressure causes micro tears in soft tissue, which stimulates the body's healing response. Gua sha practitioners believe that these tears allow for blood and lymphatic fluids to flow more freely in the body, which helps distribute qi throughout the entire system. 

Facial gua sha is a technique for stimulating the flow of qi (energy) and blood in the face which helps with circulation, detoxification, lymph drainage, and more. The treatment can help with many common skin concerns: acne, blackheads, wrinkles and lines, dry skin.


Benefits of gua sha

Gua sha is a non invasive, natural method of facial rejuvenation that works to treat a variety of skin conditions and improve the appearance of your complexion. Gua sha can help with a host of different skin issues, including acne, eczema and rosacea. The treatment also promotes relaxation and stress relief - making it an excellent way to unwind after a long day at work or school!

Here are some of the benefits of gua sha:

  • Reduces pain
  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Helps your body get rid of toxins
  • Relieve headaches and migraines
  • Alleviates sore muscles and cramps
  • Increases blood flow to the affected area
  • Helps with circulation and lymph drainage
  • Decreases swelling and edema (swelling caused by fluid buildup in tissues)



Gua sha tools

Gua sha tools are typically made of bamboo or metal and can be found in many health and beauty shops. Gua sha tools are smooth on one side and have ridges on the other side that leave teeth like marks when used.

The most common tool for gua sha is called a “sha stone” or “sha pi”. The tool has a smooth side (the outside) and a rougher side (the inside). You can use both sides depending on what your skin needs at any given time.

Gua sha tools can also be made of stone and jade, or jade mixed with gold, and it's usually about the size of a credit card. Gua sha tools can be used to improve circulation and stimulate skin rejuvenation, as well as improve facial skin texture. La Mav offers a beautiful rose quartz gua sha and roller set, helping reduce inflammation and increasing the skin's absorption of bio actives.

Gua sha massage is often performed on the back but can also be applied to other areas like the chest, arms, legs, and face.


How to do a gua sha massage?

To perform the gua sha massage, you will need:

1) Find a gua sha for face. You can buy one online, or you can use any smooth, flat object like a spoon or spatula.

2) Heat up your gua sha tool by running it under hot water for about 30 seconds. Then wipe it dry with a towel and gently press it against your skin for about 30 seconds. This will help relax your muscles and open up your pores so they'll absorb the oils better later on!

3) Use circular motions to apply pressure all over your body (except on areas where you have broken skin). Start with large circles and work down to smaller ones until you've covered every inch of flesh from head-to-toe with light pressure in small circles or lines along different parts of your body.


Which gua sha stone is best for face?

You should choose a stone that is large enough to cover the area and small enough that you can comfortably hold it in your hand. The shape of the stone will be important as well. You want a smooth, polished surface with enough weight to press down on your skin.

Many people use gua sha stones from various sources, including glass, jade or granite. These materials can all be used for gua sha therapy but each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Rose quartz gua sha is the perfect tool for applying gua sha to your face. The rose quartz is gentle enough for sensitive skin and works well in removing the dead skin from your face. It also helps to reduce redness, inflammation and acne by detoxifying your skin.



Can gua sha sculpt face?

Gua sha can be used to sculpt the face, but it's important to note that gua sha is not a facial peel or microdermabrasion treatment. It will not remove dead skin from your face, nor does it cause wrinkles or acne to disappear completely. However, it does help with blood circulation in the face and can improve pore size and clarity by stimulating collagen production and tightening muscles in the skin.

Gua sha can also be used for cellulite reduction; however, this is not a permanent solution. When done regularly over time (about once per month), gua sha will help reduce cellulite by improving circulation in the lymphatic system and encouraging fat metabolism - provided you are eating properly and exercising regularly as well!


Can gua sha help with double chin?

If you're looking to reduce the appearance of a double chin and jowls, gua sha may be right for you.

Gua sha can be used to reduce the appearance of a double chin by breaking up tissue and increasing circulation. This will help improve your complexion by stimulating lymphatic drainage, which helps flush out toxins that build up in your skin. This can also reduce inflammation underneath the skin's surface which contributes to eye bags. However, it's important to note that gua sha won't remove excess fat from around your jaw line or neck area since this is primarily caused by genetics but will help prevent further buildup if done regularly.

For ultimate results, purchase this gua sha set, containing gua sha stone and face roller. The both provide unique benefits, which will maximise your skin treatment results.



Can gua sha get rid off jowls?

Gua sha can help reduce the appearance of jowls, as well as double chins. To use gua sha for jowls and double chin reduction, follow the steps below:

  • Use a massage oil or lotion to soften your skin before applying pressure with the instrument. If you don't have any on hand, use coconut oil or another natural oil that won't irritate your skin.
  • Gently glide the gua sha tool across your face in small circular motions in an up-and-down direction until you've covered all areas between your jawline and cheek bones (along with any other parts of your face that need toning).
  • Continue doing this until you feel a slight burning sensation; this will tell you when it's time to stop so that you don't cause damage or irritation by overdoing things! Once finished massaging yourself with a guasha stick (or other tool), give yourself 5 minutes or so before getting up from where ever was comfortable enough space for treatment - it'll prevent dizziness caused by blood rushing back towards head after being relaxed outwards during treatment time!


Gua sha risks and precautions

Gua sha is generally safe to use, but there are some risks and precautions you should be aware of before you start.

  • Don't use gua sha on broken skin or open wounds. Doing so can cause infection and pain.
  • If you have diabetes or poor circulation, consult your doctor before using gua sha on yourself. Gua sha can lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes and may make their symptoms worse if they have poor circulation in the hands or feet (peripheral vascular disease).
  • The scraping motion that’s used during treatment can cause some discomfort, but it should not be painful or cause bleeding or bruising. Some people experience redness or warmth after treatment, which usually goes away within 30 minutes or so.


Final thoughts

We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what gua sha is and how it works! If you’re interested in learning more about other types of massages or treatments, be sure to look into our previous article on the subject. Good luck with your gua sha journey!




Ere Perez

Quartz Sculpt & Lift Face Stone


La Mav

Quartz Gua Sha and Roller Set


La Mav

Micro Dermal Roller
