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Why choose Australian made products

Date Posted:24 November 2022 

There are many reasons why buying Australian made products is important for our country - not just because it helps our economy grow but also because it can help protect our environment, farmers and employees. So if you're looking for ways to support small business owners around Australia and showcase your love for local talent, consider buying from local, Aussie companies.


In a world where everything is made somewhere else, it's important to support local. There are three main reasons why it's important to support Australian made:

  1. You're supporting your community. When you buy Australian made products, you're investing in the people who work hard to make those products. It means that when you buy something made in Australia, you're supporting jobs for people right here.
  2. You're supporting the environment. Buying Australian made products helps reduce your carbon footprint by reducing transportation costs and emissions associated with importing goods from overseas.
  3. You're supporting quality control standards and safety regulations. Because Australia has strict quality control standards and safety regulations, we can ensure that when we buy products made here, they are safe for us and our families.



Supporting Australian companies

Supporting Australian companies is important for many reasons. We all know that the economy relies on people spending money on goods and services within Australia, but did you know that supporting Australian companies also helps to bring jobs to local communities? Itā€™s true! Australian businesses employ thousands of people from their local areas, which in turn boosts employment rates in those areas. This means more money spent at other businesses in the area and less reliance on government funding.

Australian companies also contribute tax dollars back into government funds, helping maintain infrastructure such as roads and bridges across the country. In addition to this, they support charities such as Red Cross Australia by donating clothing donations for children who are experiencing homelessness or financial difficulty.

Finally, Australian companies are often involved in community events or fundraisers because they feel it important to give back to their local community while also promoting themselves as a trustworthy brand.


Supporting Australian farmers

Supporting Australian farmers is not just good for our economy and communities; itā€™s also good for the environment.

Australian farmers produce food that is safe, healthy and grown using renewable resources. By consuming Australian grown fruit, vegetables and other products you are helping preserve our precious soil, water resources and wildlife habitat.

The impact of foreign imports on local communities is another reason why choosing Australian made products are important to me. By buying a product from Australia rather than importing one from overseas, you support local companies who employ thousands of Australians across their manufacturing plants.



Protecting the environment

Australian manufacturing is environmentally conscious, with many products manufactured locally. This means youā€™re reducing carbon emissions and pollution, as well as water consumption and the use of chemicals. When you buy Australian products, you're helping to protect our wildlife and ecosystems. Buying local is important because it keeps our natural resources from being exploited by companies based overseas. It also means that you'll be supporting local businesses and workers who are invested in their community.


Enjoying quality products

If you're looking for quality products and services, Australian companies are the place to go. When it comes to manufacturing, Australia has a reputation for producing high quality goods. This is in part because Australian companies are held to higher standards than their overseas counterparts. In fact, when compared with many other countries, Australia has some of the highest standards in the world. Additionally, many Australian companies have a history of innovation that allows them to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to product development and design.

The great thing about buying Australian made products is that they're guaranteed to be safe and in accordance with the Australian Standards. You know they're not going to harm you or your family. And they'll be able to last longer than products that have been imported from other countries because they're built using better materials and techniques.


Support Australian employment

In a global economy, it's more important than ever to support local businesses. Buying Australian products helps keep jobs in Australia and keeps the money from your purchase circulating in the local economy. It's a simple way to make a big difference!

Australian companies are more likely to pay higher wages. They are also more likely to be environmentally friendly, with better working conditions and pay and benefits, than those that manufacture in countries such as China or Bangladesh where the workers are often paid less than they should be according to their skills and experience.

They are more likely to invest in their local communities, enabling growth and development that benefits everyone.  If you buy Australian made products, you are supporting the creation of jobs for Australians who need them. You are helping businesses stay afloat during the tough times and grow stronger during the good times.



Support local communities

When you choose to buy locally made products, you support the local communities and economies that create them. A study by the University of Sydney found that for every $100 spent on Australian made goods, $45 stays in the community. The researchers also found that each dollar spent on imports results in only 35 cents staying in the community.

A more positive impact on the environment is another perk of supporting local businesses: they tend to have fewer environmental impacts than larger companies which have to ship their products further distances. Supporting small businesses also means that your money is going towards a smaller company with fewer resources than large corporations, meaning they're likely to be more sustainable over time as well as providing more wealth within their own community.


Countries that produce goods cheaper have a lesser quality of life for workers

When you buy an Australian made product, youā€™re supporting a company that is more likely to pay their workers higher wages and provide better working conditions. Better wages mean employees can spend more on goods and services, which creates a positive ripple effect throughout the economy. With this in mind, itā€™s easy to see why buying locally made goods is important for everyone in Australia ā€“ not just those who make them.

A company that can produce goods cheaper than its competitors will often be more competitive in the marketplace. However, this does not necessarily mean that the company's employees have a higher quality of life. For example, countries such as China and India are known for their cheap labour costs and low living standards for workers. This is because these countries are able to produce goods at lower costs due to lower wages for workers. However, these countries also have higher levels of pollution, which can negatively impact the health of their workers.


Australian beauty products

Australian beauty products are made with the finest ingredients, and you can feel confident that youā€™re buying something that will improve your health and well being.

There are many reasons why you should buy Australian made skincare products:

  • Australian products contain the best, most natural ingredients for your skin.
  • You know that what you purchase is safe, as Australia has strict laws regarding cosmetics.
  • The quality control on each product means that it will be of high quality - and if there is a problem with any particular item, they will quickly fix it.

Australian skincare products are often made with luxurious ingredients that are difficult to find elsewhere. For example, many brands use macadamia oil, which is known for its ability to moisturise and protect the skin. If you are after Australian beauty brands, check out Mokosh, Vanessa Megan & Butt Naked.



Australian cleaning products

When you buy Australian cleaning products, the chances are they will be made with locally sourced ingredients. They may also use natural ingredients, like essential oils and plant extracts. Australian companies tend to take a more transparent approach to their manufacturing processes, so you'll know exactly what goes into your products. 

In addition to this, Australian companies tend to have a smaller carbon footprint. They do this by using fewer resources and producing less waste during the manufacturing process. They also tend to have stricter manufacturing standards than many other companies around the world. This is because Australian consumers demand high quality cleaning products.


Final thoughts

Weā€™ve listed some of the reasons why you should choose Australian made products, but there are so many more. By choosing to buy Australian made products, you are helping contribute to a better world for us all!